RecPress’ advanced job search and filtering
One of the best features of the RecPress plugin is the advanced search and filtering it brings to enable candidates to more easily find suitable jobs.
RecPress job search options
RecPress provides the following job search options.
Keyword search
Candidates can search for jobs using a keyword search. This will return jobs that contain any of the keywords they enter.
For example, candidates could enter a job title, a skill set or just some key words about a specific job.
RecPress will then return a list of all the jobs that match those keywords. As well as matching against the job title and description, RecPress will also match jobs that have categories, types and locations that match the keywords entered.
Location radius based search
This allows candidates to type a specific location in the search box and then choose from one of the suggested locations. Adding a radius alongside this will then return all of the jobs that are contained within that radius for the specific place.
For example, candidates can easily search for all jobs which are within 50 miles of Manchester, UK for example. Combined with some of the filters below makes this a very powerful search tool.
When a radius based search (often referred to as a proximity search) is active, the job results are displayed in distance order. Jobs closest to the location selected are shown first.
In addition to this, the distance the job is to location is displayed alongside the job data.
RecPress job filtering options
RecPress comes with a number of different filters to allow candidates to filter the results down to easily find jobs which are more appropriate for them.
RecPress comes with the following job filtering options:
Salary range
A range slider is presented to allow candidates to choose a minimum and maximum salary.
Jobs are returned when their salary fits between these boundaries.
Job categories
Job categories are listed with a checkbox beside each. Candidates can select multiple categories to filter the results by.
Job types
Job types are listed with a checkbox beside each. Candidates can select multiple types to filter the results by.
Job working arrangements
Job working arrangements are listed with a checkbox beside each. Candidates can select multiple working arrangements to filter the results by.
RecPress URL based search queries
RecPress uses search and filtering based on changing the URL in the browsers address bar.

This means that whenever a search is active, the URL in the address bar can be copied, in order provide a direct link to that search.
This URL can be shared in email campaigns and even used in other places on the site to show a pre-filtered list of jobs.
There are also several “Reset search” links in the search and filtering options to reset the search back to showing all jobs.